The European Commission (Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union) organises a one day conference in Milan on the ‘Green Paper on the future of VAT – Towards a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system‘ on 6 May 2011.
With the presentation of that Green paper in December 2010, the European Commission launched a wide public consultation on how the EU’s Value Added Tax (VAT) system can be strengthened and improved to the benefit of citizens, businesses and Member States. The aim is to give all stakeholders a chance to express their thoughts and views on the problems that currently exist with regard to VAT, and how these can be addressed. The Commission will use the feedback from this consultation to decide the best approach in creating a more stable, robust and effective VAT system for the future.
The conference is an important part of this consultation process. It will bring together policy makers, experts, stakeholders and the general public from all over Europe, and beyond.
[…] Principalele caracteristici ale acordului Consiliului sunt după cum urmează: – “Mecanism de reacție rapidă”, …. […]