European Commission Comunicat de presă Brussels, 21 Dec 2023 Consiliul de parteneriat UE-Regatul Unit a adoptat astăzi o decizie prin care regulile de origine actuale aplicabile vehiculelor electrice și bateriilor se prelungesc cu trei ani, și anume pâ…
audit standards
UE adoptă cel de al 12-lea pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei ca urmare a continuării războiului ilegal împotriva Ucrainei.
European Commission Comunicat de presă Brussels, 19 Dec 2023 Comisia salută adoptarea de către Consiliu a celui de-al 12-lea pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei.
Taxation: Commission decides to refer BELGIUM to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to comply with the free movement of workers principle as regards taxation of non-resident taxpayers
European Commission Press release Brussels, 16 Nov 2023 Today, the European Commission decided to refer Belgium to the Court of Justice of the European Union for its failure to comply with the Treaty principle of free movement of workers, as regards ta…
Member States made progress in VAT compliance in 2021, though losses remain considerable
European Commission Press release Brussels, 24 Oct 2023 Most EU Member States made progress in the enforcement of Value-Added Tax (VAT) compliance in 2021, according to a new report released by the European Commission today.
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) starts to apply in its transitional phase
European Commission Press release Brussels, 29 Sep 2023 This Sunday, 1 October, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will enter into application in its transitional phase.
Championing Europe’s SMEs: Commission provides new relief to boost the competitiveness and resilience of SMEs
European Commission Press release Strasbourg, 12 Sep 2023 Today, the Commission is presenting a series of initiatives to address the needs of Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the current economic environment.