Joi, 20 noiembrie 2014, Comisia Europeană a publicat Raportul privind cotele efective de impozitare intr-o UE extinsa (FINAL REPORT 2014 – EFFECTIVE TAX LEVELS USING THE DEVEREUX/GRIFFITH METHODOLOGY), elaborat în cadrul proiectului „Cotele efective de impozitare într-o Uniune Europeană extinsă”. Raportul a fost elaborat de Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) şi PricewaterhouseCoopers. Acest proiect […]
Effective tax levels
EC: Effective tax levels at the industry level using the Devereux/Griffith methodology
The project ‘Effective tax rates in an enlarged European Union’ is based on the methodology used for the calculation of effective tax rates (ETRs) as set out by Devereux and Griffith (1999, 2003). This study enhances the existing data by analysing the Effective Tax Rates in different industries. This study extends the work completed in […]