IFRS on Point — October 2021: IFRS on Point highlights critical financial reporting developments. It provides a great way to catch up on the main IFRS-related news stories of the previous month. https://t.co/00OmfK8pCr— Deloitte IFRS (@DeloitteIFRS) No…
@DeloitteIFRS: Agenda for the November 2021 IFRS Advisory Council meeting: An agenda has been released for the meeting of the IFRS Advisory Council that will be held by remote participation on 10 November 2021.
Agenda for the November 2021 IFRS Advisory Council meeting: An agenda has been released for the meeting of the IFRS Advisory Council that will be held by remote participation on 10 November 2021. https://t.co/cz9Q2CID79— Deloitte IFRS (@DeloitteIFRS) N…
@DeloitteIFRS: Summary of the October 2021 ASAF meeting now available: The IASB staff have published a summary of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF) meeting held via remote participation on 1 October 2021.
Summary of the October 2021 ASAF meeting now available: The IASB staff have published a summary of the Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF) meeting held via remote participation on 1 October 2021. https://t.co/XjZcME7bed— Deloitte IFRS (@Deloitte…
@DeloitteIFRS: IASB issues podcast on latest Board developments (October 2021): The IASB has released a podcast featuring IASB Chair Andreas Barckow and IASB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd discussing deliberations at the Ocotber 2021 IASB meeting.
IASB issues podcast on latest Board developments (October 2021): The IASB has released a podcast featuring IASB Chair Andreas Barckow and IASB Vice-Chair Sue Lloyd discussing deliberations at the Ocotber 2021 IASB meeting. https://t.co/WTVstYvrvN— Delo…
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Modificări la Codul fiscal 2018 – PROIECT OUG
Prin proiectul de OUG publicat de Ministerul Finantelor Publice pe 29 septembrie sunt propuse o serie de modificări ale Codului Fiscal. Principalele modoficiră propuse se referă la extinderea cotei de TVA de 5% la anumite categorii de servicii, reglementări pentru contribuabilii care aplică standardul IFRS, respectiv devansarea termenului de depunere a declarației unice de venit. […]